Tutorials DNS

Add a DNS zone using the WHM Add function of the DNS Zone

In this article we are going to present the necessary steps to add a DNS zone using the WHM Add function of the DNS Zone

Views 1752Updated 2 yearsPublished 16/08/2022by Mihai Bobriuc


  • The Domain Name Service (DNS) service converts human-readable domain names (for example: example.com) to computer-readable IP addresses (for example: DNS relies on the "DNS zones" that exist on the server, to convert the domain name to IP addresses.
    WHM offers the ability to add a DNS zone that will go into the administration of the DNS service installed on the server. This functionality is provided by
    DNS Functions, more precisely Add a DNS Zone. This DNS zone will be added after a template, which can also be edited from the WHM interface, specifically WHM >> Home >> DNS Functions >> Edit Zone Templates.
  • When adding new cPanel accounts or addon domains, dns zones are added automatically..


  • WHM credentials. This data can be found in the management email of the reseller account or VPS with cPanel/WHM.


  • After logging in to the WHM panel on the left side of the page we will go to the DNS Functions section and click on Add a DNS Zone. Alternatively, we can look for this menu using the search field in the upper left.

Add DNS Zone WHM

  • On the next page we will have the fields:
    -IPv4 Address - An IP address to which DNS records point to
    -Domain - The primary domain of the DNS zone.
    -Associate with Account (Optional) - Here we will be able to select from the list a cPanel user who will have editing privileges over this DNS zone.
    Once the fields are filled in we will click on
    Add Zone.

Completare date in zona add DNS

  • If everything went successfully we will be greeted by a confirmation message.

Mesaj confirmare zone created succesfully

  • The primary domain will use the DNS zone added if it has set nameservers that point to the server where we made the changes.

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