Changing the language used in the cPanel interface

Tutorials cPanel | cpanel | language | interface
In this tutorial we will go through the steps required to change the language used in the cPanel interface
by Mihai BobriucViews 1042Updated 2 yearsPublished 13/07/2022


  • cPanel offers a choice of multiple languages ​​to be used in the user interface.


  • To change the language, we will need the cPanel login data, received in the email with the administration data.


  • First we will login to the cPanel control panel.

Autentificare cPanel

  •  Once we have logged into the control panel, we will go to the Preferences section and click on Change Language.
    Sectiunea Preferinte cPanel
  • In the next window to the field Select a Language, we will choose the desired language and click on the button Change.

Schimbare limba cPanel

  • If everything went smoothly we will receive a confirmation message of the form: Your account language is set to "Romanian". 
  • From this point the language used in the interface will be the one selected

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