Tutorials cPanel

cPanel virus scan

This tutorial explains how to scan files on a hosting account

Views 1402Updated 2 yearsPublished 13/07/2022by Mihai Bobriuc


This article explains how to scan files on a hosting account


  • a cPanel account


  • after logging into the cPanel control panel, in the interface that will be displayed, look for the "ADVANCED" section, and there click on "Virus Scanner"

Sectiune Avansat cPanel

  • in the page that will be displayed, there are four options:
  1. Mail scan - will scan all emails in the account
  2. Full home directory scan - will scan your entire hosting account
  3. Scan public web space - will scan the public_html directory where the website files are located
  4. Scan public FTP space - will scan the public_ftp directory where the created FTP accounts are located
  • the next window will show the progress of the scan as well as statistics related to it

Scanare virusi

  • after the scan is completed, in the window that will be displayed, quarantine, deletion and ignoring actions can be applied to the files identified as problematic

Stergere fisiere infectate

  • after selecting the desired action pressed the button


1. The antivirus used is ClamAV
2. Antivirus may detect completely harmless files as malicious (false positives)
3. It is also possible that the antivirus does not detect certain malicious files

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